Ana Sobero


Ana Sobero is Mexican began her career more than 20 years ago has participated in more than 15 soap operas being the most recent "a Maid in Manhattan", "cute Little Thing", "Flip pa You fall in love," has also been part of unitary programs being the most outstanding "other Rollo "with Adal Ramones," The TV scandal and "who is right" in theater has been part of more than 20 staging highlighting "Sorry to be a whore", "White Satin Night", "Dreams of a Seducer", the dinner of the idiots "," the Toothbrush " , "Eight women" and "the Hamlet case."
In the concept of short works in Miami has participated in "with sand on the lips", "Wolves", "thermodynamics", Meat "and" The Lonely Eleanor "
In the cinema has more than 15 films highlighting, "The Alley of Miracles", "Blood Rider", "Family Secrets" and "adrenaline"
He has participated in three short films in English, "Ah silent" "Death INC" and "Farfalla"
Currently participates in the series "Talion"