Sonya Smith

Guest actress

Born in Philadelphia but raised in Venezuela, Sonya followed in her mother's footsteps and began her acting career at the early age of 13. Her career has been mainly linked to television where she has participated and starred in internationally successful soap operas such as Cristal, Cara sucia, Rosangélica, Guajira, Destino de Mujer, Olvidarte nunca and Donde esta Elisa. But Sonya Smith has not only acted on television, she has also worked for film and theater, participating in Spanish-language films such as A Dream in the Abyss, The Tenth Victim, Death Trap and Simeon Calamaris; and English-language films such as East LA King and The Havana Connection, by Black Fox productions and shot in the city of Miami. He has also been the image of important advertising campaigns such as Wrangler Jeans, Coca-Cola, Sprint telephones, Bertolucci jewelry and Addax clothe ware. In the boards, Sonya worked in Los Angeles for the Bilingual Arts Foundation starring in titles such as La dama duende or El Alcalde de Zalamea; in Venezuela with Hormigas caminando sobre una axila and in the city of Miami she has participated in successful productions such as Monologando or Los monólogos de la vagina among others. This is his second work El Ingenio Teatro after the successful Bodas de Sangre.